Ayurvedic Treatment of Kidney Failure by Amarbail

Amarbel is a type of parasite planted on other plants. It has many names like Amarbail, Akash Bale, Nirmali, etc. It can be easily identified due to its colors and leaves are loose. There are many medicinal properties in it. Ambalb constipation, liver, diarrhea, inflammation, etc. are used, so amarbels are very beneficial for health. They feed themselves on the trees or plants they are on. They do not make their own food.
Karma Ayurveda
Amarbel is a green, yellowish, non-leafless parasite bell. Its countless branches are draped with other plants and trees and receive their nutrition from them. There is no chlorophyll at all so they can not prepare their food even after photosynthesis.
Benefits of Amarbel -
• Increase reproductive power - it has the ability to provide protection to human sperm. The effect of this androgen-like effect is to protect the male reproductive organs and the process of developing the testicles and making testosterone faster. Its consumption can prevent oxidative damage to the sperm cell and prevent apoptosis.
• Strengthening of bones - Amarij seeds can increase bone mineral density and help to repair its cartilage. It also helps in increasing calcium matrix with its intake.
• Prevention of cancer - Amberbel has the ability to stop certain types of cancer cells. The likelihood of getting cancer is reduced, so regular consumption of immortal can be beneficial.
Helpful for kidneys - Flowers of Amarbel Plant help in purifying the blood. Apart from this kidney, the liver also makes healthy.
• Controlling diabetes - consuming unbelievable helps in controlling diabetes. This consumption leads to a considerable decrease in blood glucose levels. Apart from this, it helps in balancing the amount of fat in the body and increasing the amount of glycogen. It is very beneficial for diabetic patients.
• For the liver - the decoction of unabridged foams was taken from the liver injury. This led to a decrease in serum alanine aminotransferase and aspirate aminotransferase, increase in SOD and significant improvement in liver injury.
• For eyes - Amberbel consumption is also beneficial for the eyes. Its use can help reduce the opacity of the crystalline lens. It is also beneficial in treating cataract and the biggest thing is that it has no side effects, so if you want to reduce the number of eyeglasses or increase the eyesight, start consuming unbelievable from today.
• Hair loss - gram flour mixed with fine flour and put a little sesame in it. Now apply this mixture on your hair. This remedy can reduce the problem of hair fall. Also, to prevent hair from falling, boil 50 grams of immortal in a liter of water, boil it and wash your hair with it.
• Hemorrhoids - Mix 3 grams of chili powder in 10 ml juice of Amarbel. Take this mixture of the empty stomach in the morning. This allows hemorrhoids to be completely cured.

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