Why one should opt for Chronic Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda?

Chronic kidney disease refers to the health condition in which the kidney starts getting damage. And the condition gets worse day by day if not treated on time. These days, there are thousands of people who are affected by Chronic Kidney disease all across the globe.
As we all know, how important body organ kidneys are in order to make the human body function well. Kidneys work as filters by throwing out the toxins and many undesired fluids produced in the body. In the case of Chronic Kidney Disease, the filters are not capable enough to perform that filtration process. Consequently, many toxins get stored in the body and make it very sick.                                     
Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease 
As per the damage rate, Chronic Kidney Disease is categorized into different stages. The stages of Chronic Kidney disease go as CKD1, CKD2, CKD3, CKD4, and CKD5.
In the case of CKD1, mild damage to the kidneys is visible. While in the further stages, the rate of damage increases and in the CKD5 the kidneys are damaged very badly or you can say they are damaged at their highest level. For CKD5, generally, dialysis is recommended which is not a permanent solution and can cost a thick amount. So, Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda is considered the best option and it is economical than that of the dialysis.     
Causes of Chronic Kidney Diseases
When it comes to Chronic Kidney disease, there are numerous reasons inviting this major health disease. Some of the primary reasons are Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.   
Diabetes: It is the health condition in which the blood sugar level increases and creates difficulty for the kidney to filter blood properly. Consequently, the kidney gets damage.
High Blood Pressure: It is the condition in which the pressure in the blood vessels raises significantly causing kidneys not to function properly. It is another major reason for Chronic Kidney disease.
Apart from, there are a plethora of reasons for Chronic Kidney disease such as unhealthy lifestyle, family history of CKD, any kind of infection and so on.     
Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease 
A person diagnosed with CKD may notice one of the below-listed symptoms:  
•    Itching
•    Nausea & Vomiting
•    Swelling in feet and ankles
•    Loss of Appetite 
•    Trouble in sleeping
If you are experiencing one or two of the above-mentioned problems, you should take health check-ups which will let you identify this serious problem significantly.           
How Chronic Kidney Disease treatment in Ayurveda is the best solution?  
Ayurveda is the most ancient medicinal treatment system originated in India. According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas; Vata, Pitta & Kafa in our body and their imbalance led to the diseases. It works on addressing those imbalances and tries to correct them in order to keep the human body hale and hearty. For the same, it suggests a healthy diet and lifestyle along with using some herbal medications prepared using natural herbs. The main characteristic of Ayurveda is that it works on the root cause of the diseases and helps an individual to relieve a disease permanently. While Allopathic treatments work on suppressing a disease not curing it of its root thus it’s a temporary solution.  Therefore, Ayurveda should be preferred over Allopathic treatment in order to cure Chronic Kidney disease.  
Chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is considered to be the best solution as it is found very effective and many patients have benefitted from it. After taking this treatment, you will notice effective changes in your bodies which are signs that you are on the right track of the treatment. Being a permanent solution, Ayurveda will help you relieve from Chronic Kidney disease for the lifetime and you can enjoy a healthier and happier life.      
Wrap Up/Bottomline
Nowadays, there are thousands of people who are affected by Chronic Kidney disease. It is a kind of kidney disease that damages your kidneys very badly or you can say completely. Generally, Dialysis or organ transplant is recommended which are not the temporary solution and are very expensive as well. While Chronic Disease treatment in Ayurveda is a permanent solution as it fixes this serious problem from its roots. A large chunk of Chronic Kidney disease patients have benefitted this treatment and living a healthy and normal life.

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