creatinine treatment in Ayurveda - karma Ayurveda

Creatinine levels are increased with the breakdown of the muscle tissues. Actually, creatinine is the waste result of muscle metabolism. The accumulation of creatinine can lead to many complications. Diagnosis of creatinine can be done through a blood test and urine test. High creatinine levels indicate kidney dysfunction that requires a proper creatinine treatment in Ayurveda

The relation between kidney and creatinine level
A normal human kidney performs an important function of eliminating wastes and toxins from the body. Creatinine is also a waste product that needs to be expelled from the body in order to keep things in the cue. If the kidneys get damaged, they will unable to expel the creatinine from the body effectively. This creatinine can get mixed into the blood that can create a huge chaos. Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is one treatment that focuses on the increasing levels and the reason behind no-elimination. Ideally, an adult female body should have creatinine levels between 0.5 to 1.1 mg per dl and an adult male body should have the creatinine levels in between 0.6 to 1.2 mg per dl.
Symptoms of high creatinine level in the blood
It is really essential to identify the symptoms that are associated with high creatinine levels. Identifying the symptoms in time can help in getting an effective creatinine treatment in Ayurveda that can help in solving the situation. Following are some symptoms that can be identified in the event of increased creatinine levels.
·         Confusion or less concentration
·         Shortness of breath
·         Dehydration
·         Vomiting and Nausea
·         Fatigue
·         Swelling
·         A proper kidney test is required to know the exact condition if such symptoms are identified.
Know the causes of high creatinine level
To know the correct creatinine levels, a blood test, and urine the test is required. A privileged and powerful creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is required to control this addition. In the event that the creatinine level happens to be less, it unmistakably demonstrates that the blood is conveying more elevated amounts of creatinine that can harm different organs and can offer a route to some significant circumstances. At the point when the working of a kidney gets influenced by any condition, it naturally fills in as the reason for high creatinine level. Other causes that can contribute to raising the creatinine levels are -
·         Urine infection
·         Diabetes
·         High blood pressure
·         Kidney infections
·         Irrelevant muscle breakdown
·         High dietary meat consumption
·         Drugs like cimetidine
These causes are responsible for all the symptoms that were discussed earlier, that is why these causes need to get an adequate creatinine treatment in Ayurveda.

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