The Miraculous results of Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is derived from a Sanskrit word, which means “Science of Life”. Ayurvedic Treatments are always known for its outstanding and permanent results, and when compared to all other healthcare providers, it is an epitome of healing. The reason behind Ayurveda’s remarkable performance is its inclusive and far-reaching approach that works on the root cause to ward off the disease. Karma Ayurveda works on balancing the doshas and improving the health conditions by balancing mind, body, and soul.

 Kidney failure is a condition in which there is a substantial reduction in kidney functions over a period of time. It is also known to be a silent killer, due to its inability to show symptoms in the initial stages. There are certain symptoms that start showing up with the onset of kidney degradation, which we usually ignore on relating it to some other issues. Moreover, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure are the most common causes of Kidney Failure, which requires a regular check. It has been greatly misconceived by masses that Dialysis is a part of Kidney Failure treatment; while actually; it is just a maintenance process, where you borrow some time from your disease to work for its treatment. Choosing the right treatment can only help you decide your future health.

 Since kidney cells are regenerative in nature, Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda is considered to be the most efficacious of all. The Ayurvedic Treatment for kidney failure in Karma Ayurveda, under the supervision of Doctor Puneet Dhawan, has helped thousands of kidney patients in easing their symptoms by lowering their creatinine and blood urea levels, along with a significant improvement in their physical levels as well, without dialysis or transplantation.

 Such is the case of Mr. Nirmal Parti, from West Bengal, who after undergoing the Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure in Karma Ayurveda, has seen a visible change in himself, not only in terms of reports but also on physical levels as well. In just two months his creatinine levels got reduced from 7 to 3.78. There are thousands of patient cases in Karma Ayurveda, who after undergoing Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment in Urdu for Kidney Failure, has helped revive their lost or impaired kidney functions. 

 Doctor Puneet Dhawan, a renowned Ayurvedacharya in Kidney Treatment and the Co-founder of Karma Ayurveda, along with treating kidney patients, has also taken an initiative to spread awareness about the efficacy of Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda. This initiative has helped thousands of patients by now, in choosing the ultimate treatment for their kidney disease.


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