How Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda Affect a Person

There are some substances in the body which can become harmful over a period of time or when they are present in excess. One such chemical is creatinine which is a naturally occurring waste product produced by the muscles. High levels of creatinine can cause serious damage to the kidneys. Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is a remedy available for problems caused due to high levels of creatinine.

What is creatinine? 

Creatinine is the waste produced due to the rubbing together of two muscles. Everyone produces creatinine on a daily basis because it is a natural byproduct. However, when there is too much of creatinine being produced, it signifies a problem. The wear and tear of muscles produces creatinine but the amount of creatinine produced depends upon a lot of factors like-
  • ·         Race
  • ·         Age
  • ·         Gender
  • ·         Body size
  • ·         Amount of muscle a person has

 Diagnosis of creatinine levels- 

Blood tests are not conclusive tests for this problem because sometimes the creatinine in the blood will not account for your race and gender. Therefore, a more conclusive test like glomerular filtration rate abbreviated as GFR is done to calculate the efficiency of the kidneys. It takes into account the levels of creatinine along with the race, age, gender and body size making it perfect for this condition. It can be a problem if your GFR is below 60 for three months or if it is above 60 with symptoms of kidney disease. 
The other test is a urine test. A sample of urine can conclusively tell you the amount of creatinine being released as waste, which can signify kidney problems. High amounts of albumin in the urine is also a problem and should be checked for as soon as possible. 

When there is a kidney disease plaguing the body, it is legitimate that the filtration of wastes and toxins from the body will get affected and creatinine, which is a natural waste product, will not be cleared out properly. As a result of which more kidney diseases can occur like chronic kidney disease. 
Chronic kidney disease ultimately leads to the inflammation of the glomeruli and therefore result in the loss of more kidney function. It usually leads to end-stage renal disease or kidney failure. The only treatment available in modern medicine is dialysis. 

What is dialysis? 
It is the clinical purification of the blood done artificially to compensate for the loss of kidney function. High levels of toxins and waste products in the blood tend to change its chemical composition when the kidneys are not functioning properly. As a result, the other organs are affected too and lead to failure. Thus, modern medicine recommends renal replacement therapy for these patients. 

The blood is passed into tubes and using osmolarity the toxins, waste products, and excess water is removed from the blood while the clean blood enters your system. 
It is an exhaustive process and can be extremely expensive depending on the disease you have. Removal of creatinine is one reason why dialysis is suggested.

Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda
Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is completely different from modern medicine. It does not require dialysis or kidney transplant. Ayurveda uses pain-free treatment to rid the patient of kidney disease and help him/her lead a healthy life. The herbs are extremely potent and are ground together to form a mixture, which can then be consumed by patients as recommended by the doctors. One such pharmaceutical company is Karma Ayurveda. Karma Ayurveda is based in Delhi and has the best of doctors. 

Doctor Puneet Dhawan, a certified kidney specialist has cured over 35,000 patients under his care and regime. Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is a beneficial treatment and can cure patients of their problems. Along with Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda, One needs to take certain measures and improve one’s diet to stay clear from kidney diseases. 

I am an architect working on my projects. I started developing some issues in my kidney and recently found out that my creatinine levels were high. Allopathic treatment has never benefited me so I went for Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda, which has helped me gain my life back. It is extremely beneficial.

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