creatinine treatment in Ayurveda - Best Creatinine Treatment center in India

Creatinine is a chemical waste produced by the body when you put your muscles into action. It stays in your blood and is eliminated by your kidneys through the urine later on. The high level of creatinine in the body makes it hard for you to live a healthy life. Often the condition is an indication of an unhealthy kidney. Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is the best alternative to reduce such adverse level of creatinine.
Reasons for high creatinine levels
There are so many reasons why your body is exhibiting such high creatinine levels in the body. This might include:
·         Certain supplements and medications can temporarily spike up the level of creatinine in the body.
·         Levels of creatinine are linked to muscle mass also. Karma Ayurveda best kidney Treatment Center. 
·         Increased creatinine can also occur as a result of rigorous or intense workout.
·         Abnormally high levels of creatinine may be a sign of an unhealthy kidney.
·         Patients with chronic kidney disease also indicate high creatinine
·         High creatinine level in the blood but a low level in the urine shows there is something wrong with your glomeruli.
·         Some health conditions that destroy the glomeruli of kidneys affect the chemical waste creatinine are diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, a sudden shock making you lose blood, muscular dystrophy, and good pasture syndrome, etc.
After determining what caused you high creatinine, your doctor will initiate treatment based on the underlying cause of the condition. Having high creatinine levels is not a disease but a disorder there is something wrong with the filtration unit of the kidney. Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda will help you reduce such levels and maintain the health of damaged glomeruli.
Dietary tips to lower creatinine in the blood
Dietary changes will help you with raised creatinine level, these include:
·         Restrict protein intake
Consuming a high protein diet raises the creatinine level even in a healthy person. Red meat is actually muscle tissue of the animal containing creatinine and therefore should be avoided. A patient can improve his high creatinine level by reducing the amount of red meat and dairy products.
·         Increase dietary fiber
Fiber also helps people with high creatinine and other kidney related issues. Foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and seeds contain fiber and should be included in renal-diet to maintain the health of the kidney.
·         Stay hydrated
While too much liquid can be problematic for the kidney patient, even staying dehydrated can create kidney problems. Inadequate fluids can raise creatinine levels in the blood. It would be good to ask your physician about how much water you should drink each day.
·         Keep away from creatinine-based supplements
As your body automatically produces creatinine, it is better to avoid supplements that can raise creatine. Many athletes prefer taking a creatinine-based supplement to give strength to their muscles which is not good and hence, should be avoided.
Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic medicines can also help to maintain the right level of creatinine in the blood when your kidneys are not working well. This is because ayurvedic medicines work on the root cause of the problem and tend to permanently eliminate it. Ayurvedic medicine uses herbal extracts that help to repair the damaged cells of the kidney. They are natural diuretics and help to eliminate the creatinine in the body. Salvia is the most important herb that is therapeutically kindful to people with kidney disorders and is widely used in creatinine treatment in Ayurveda.
Karma Ayurveda
Karma Ayurveda offers ayurvedic treatment and a dietary plan to eliminate kidney related issues from the life of the patients without having the need to take allopathic medicines. The herbal medicines and renal diet has helped thousands of patients in improving the quality of life they are leaving with kidney disease. Doctor Puneet Dhawan is an ayurvedic specialist who wants to bring the knowledge of Ayurveda into everyday life.

So, if you want to maintain the level of creatinine with creatinine treatment in Ayurveda, then contact Karma Ayurveda!

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